POST 7: Changes to my Study Program
As I been said before, in others posts, I study journalism in the University of Chile. This is a good school for educate journalists. In this institution teach things valuable that no theoretical. Honestly, I don't know as is normal class, but I start study in 2020 when the pandemic started. I remember that I should travel to Santiago but one before day decree quarantine. I don’t know how the face-to-face classes are previous the pandemic. I don't know as is a normal class. The past week I can go to Juan Goméz Millas, for give information what is the Campus where is my degree, for this I’m feeling that what I can't opine about this. My curriculum it is so complete and there are subject so important and interesting that they are given by very good professionals. Maybe from start some subjects are very specific and can give scary. And I would choose subject more general first. As for the campus, I don't know much it, but I think that should have more equipme